My journey finding improvisation (+ a free resource!)
Shannon Lewis Shannon Lewis

My journey finding improvisation (+ a free resource!)

Improvisation used to be scary for me.

Well first it wasn’t, then it was, and now it’s definitely not.

When you’re told to just make up anything, that can instil some major indecisiveness. Such indecisiveness can make you freeze up. This is my journey with/to/finding improvisation, and a free resource with my favourite starter improvisation prompts.

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Practice journal reflections (after a break)
Shannon Lewis Shannon Lewis

Practice journal reflections (after a break)

Practice reflections to consider when coming back after a super solid break (or any time really)

As I always believed, when coming back from an extended break, take time to be kind and rewind (a la Blockbuster Video)

So here are a few to think about to help get the most out of coming back home to your practice.

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Practice journal reflection ideas for musicians - part 2
Shannon Lewis Shannon Lewis

Practice journal reflection ideas for musicians - part 2

More practice reflection prompts to consider before or during your practice to remind you of your motivation, your presence, notice any stress or tension, and bringing joy or at least neutrality and calmness into your practice session with your instrument.

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Tuesday tips: how to build a new habit - part 3
Shannon Lewis Shannon Lewis

Tuesday tips: how to build a new habit - part 3

Next habit building step coming in 🎶🦐🎶

Now that we’ve agreed we’re starting small, and attaching the new habit on top of something that’s already routine, we’re going to make our small task enjoyable.

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