Practice journal reflections (after a break)

Practice reflections to consider when coming back after a super solid break (or any time really)

As I always believed, when coming back from an extended break, take time to be kind and rewind (a la Blockbuster Video)

So here are a few to think about to help get the most out of coming back home to your practice.

> Am I feeling fatigue anywhere?

This is something I notice a lot when I come back from extended breaks. I notice fatigue creep in faster in my face/embouchure and my arms/shoulders (even though I consistently work out for my health.) Notice it in the moment and don’t be afraid to take more breaks than you’re used to to stretch or have a brain-break.

> Are any old habits popping up? Notice and adjust gently.

This goes in part with the last one - with the fatigue, are there any old tension habits? Any habits you kicked before that just creep back in when you’re least suspecting?

> How do I feel about my sound? Can I let any judgemental thoughts about it (including “shoulds”), can I let them float out as easily as they floated in?

> What are my expectations today? Are they realistic after an extended period away?

I find this one used to pop up a lot for me. I’d expect the version of me at top form after preparing for concerts, but after an extended period away and get frustrated. This is the kind part - breaks don’t take away your skill or make you less of a musician.

Let me repeat that last bit: breaks don’t take away your skill or make you less of a musician.

If any of this helps or sparks your interest and you’re going to try it, I’d love to hear about it.

🌸If you’re looking for a flute teacher or wanting to try flute lessons, I have space available in my online studio.

They include weekly drop in sessions for questions and practice/get stuff done with others, access to my ever growing flute resources hub, my printable practice journal, and more. Click here for more info on my online studio, or click here to contact me.


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