Practice journal reflection ideas for musicians - part 2

More practice reflections to consider…

Am I feeling present for this practice session?
>it’s easy to get distracted and go on autopilot.

Am I noticing any stress or tension? Where is it? Can I release it?
>former stress and tension queen here - it’s not a good time. Try to check in with yourself to notice any stress or tension happening in your body. You know those posts that are always like “UNCLENCH YOUR JAW!!!!” - that…and be nice about it.

How am I feeling/what are my thoughts going into practice?
>check in with yourself and allow yourself some extra space as needed.

Where is my motivation coming from today?
>this is a big one. Is your motivation coming from fear? Guilt? Worry that someone else is practicing just a little more out there? That kind of motivation runs DEEP and it’s hard to get out of, but it brings with it injury, stress, and even more fear and negativity being associated with what we do later on. Check in with your motivation, and try on different thoughts about it and see how it fits.

Can/did I try something new or experiment with something today? What is/was it? What was the result?
>This is where we get inventive. Nothing is to out there to try - did it work? Hurray! You’ve discovered a new tool that works for you! Did it not work? Put it in the maybe pile to try again later before chucking it in the bin.

If any of this helps or lightning bolts your interest and you’re going to try it, I’d love to hear about it.

🌸If you’re looking for a flute teacher or wanting to try flute lessons, I have space available in my online studio.

They include extras like weekly drop in sessions for questions and practice/get stuff done with others, access to my ever growing flute resources hub, my printable practice journal, and more. Click here for more info on my summer lessons (yes, you can continue enrolment beyond the summer), or click here to contact me.


The Performer’s Mind-Palace


Practice journal reflection ideas for musicians