Tuesday tips: how to build a new habit - part 3


Next habit building step coming in 🎶🦐🎶

Now that we’ve agreed we’re starting small, and attaching the new habit on top of something that’s already routine, we’re going to make our small task enjoyable. 

Relating this back to a music-based habit, and specifically practicing regularly, something I like to do when I’m finding my way back to playing a little bit every day, play something I love to play something that I truly enjoy. No stress. Just joy in making sound. 

With students who are just developing a practice habit, before we start with music they’re unfamiliar with, I suggest to them starting with one of their favourite themes from movies, video games, popular music, or anything they like to listen to. Something to enjoy, and feel good about afterwards. To add a little bit of challenge to that (if they’re up to it) sometimes I suggest they try to figure out the notes to their favourite songs on their own instead of just immediately providing music. This part is easy to get discouraged, so I make sure there’s a backup in place if someone opts for that just in case. If it gets someone playing regularly, it gets someone playing regularly. 

So what joy are you bringing into your new habits today?

If you’re looking for flute lessons with a focus on nurturing creativity, sparking curiosity, and finding what works for you, drop me a line on my contact page and we can chat. They’re online, so they can happen anywhere! 


Tuesday tips: how to build a new habit - part 4


Tuesday tips: how to build a new habit - part 2