Be kind, rewind: how to come back to your instrument after a break
If you’re taking a break from playing either intentionally or unintentionally, this one is for you.
Four steps to work on rhythm
3 ways to use colours to help you learn music
Let’s talk about 3 different ways you can use colours to help you learn music.
How to build a new habit: the buddy system for accountability
It’s the final week of my tips on habit-(re)building series!
What is it?✨
Having an accountability person (or group), or “the buddy system”!
How to build a new habit: be kind to yourself
Another suggestion for forming a new habit here for consideration🌸
Be gentle with yourself, especially if you’re like me and have perfectionist tendencies.
How to build a new habit: make it fun
Next habit building step coming in 🎶🦐🎶
Now that we’ve agreed we’re starting small, and attaching the new habit on top of something that’s already routine, we’re going to make our small task enjoyable.
How to build a new habit: habit stacking
Last week, we started small - this week I’m going to talk about another one of my favourite techniques for (re)building a habit or music-related habit like practicing.
Habit stacking.
How to build a new habit: start small
Trying to (re)build a practice/some kind of music-related habit? Start small! (okay maybe not small instrument, but you get it)
How to start to use different rhythms to fix your technique
Bored of the same old using dotted eighth-sixteenth and reverse rhythms to learn tough parts?
What if I told you that you could come up with your own rhythms to manage and work on difficult passages?
How to fix your mistakes faster with the three I's
📚It's Saturday so I'm in teacher mode - LET'S GO!! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
This is what I've started to call ✨The Three I's✨ (or my version of variations on "chunking")
5 pieces of advice I would tell my younger self going into music school.
🏫Wait a minute, Doc. You're telling built a time machine...? Out of a DeLorean?!
Fine, that's all fiction, BUT I was thinking as I see back to school commercials everywhere - what kind of advice would I tell my younger self just starting music school?